Closing ourselves off to negative emotions effectively closes our heart door to all emotions, in varying degrees. Opening ourselves to willingly experience the rainbow of feelings allows us a wider perspective, strengthening our ability to respond appropriately as opposed to thoughtless but emotion-filled reactions. We can check in with ourselves at the end of every day, using a few key questions to keep us present and progressing.
1. Did I try to numb any emotions or feelings by distraction, detachment, projection, denial, avoidance, or any kind of inauthenticity?
Now be honest, we have learned to do this at a very young age. Sometimes even babies “learn” to put their feelings and emotions aside to survive. We all do this, now let’s figure out where and why!
2. What did I resist today? Have we accepted the truth that what we resist persists?
Think of resistance strength training. If you resist the water, the band, the weight, etc, you become stronger and the thing that resisted you is still alive and thriving along with you. How can we use resistance to strengthen our emotional well-being, instead of allowing a slow decay?
3. What did my emotions tell me today?
Whether our initial emotional reaction is strong or nonexistent, this reaction is a key form of mind communication! Pay attention and really notice the automatic internal response to different people and situations. (journaling can be especially helpful!)
4. How did my negative emotions influence my life and those around me today?
Were we able to acknowledge and understand, then thoughtfully and appropriately respond? Or did we react at the moment without any idea of where this feeling originated from and why it was triggered now?
5. Was I able to process my negative emotions today and what did that look like?
We can learn everything we need to know about ourselves from ourselves alone. No one can tell us about us better than US! Now is not the time to ignore our feelings, we can learn to be active listeners to ourselves.
There is so much more to expand within this subject, and I am here for you! Join me as I navigate my own Emotional Health Journey through coaching, conscious mind programming, mindfulness, creating new neural pathways, and ALWAYS Aromatherapy and other natural solutions. Contact me today, you are not alone!